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Saturday 17 June 2017

Fixing Bob's belt

Bob is our Hayter ride on mower. I think it's model RS102 or something like that.

After well over 10 years of use, the cutter belt had worn through.

There's a little bit of plastic to remove to get to everything.

I had to work out the path of the belt because the parts manual drawing was not correct.

I had a set of old blades taken off at a previous service. I ground down the old blades and used a screw driver in a vice to make sure each was balanced.

Taking the deck off is fairly easy. The rods pull out the side but the plastic grass hopper tube needs to be unclipped.

The old blades were very worn. Over an inch short at one end!

I needed to order a few spare parts.

I ordered a new set of blades but I'm going to use my older set first.

I put in new bolts because the old ones had been worn. The corners were all rounded.

To get the cutter deck back on, with the belt in place, I held back the spring pulley with a cable tie.

To get the rear back in, I had to lower the cutter blades to the lowest point.

The plastic tube got in the way of putting it all back together so I had to temporarily remove it. It's only two bolts and the whole tube pulls out the back.

All back together.

Shelley went straight out to try it out.


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