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Sunday 19 August 2018

Battlesbridge custom car show

The Battlesbridge custom car show is a regular event but this was the first time we had gone. I'm not sure why it is called the Battlesbridge Custom Culture Show. Perhaps because there are stands selling vintage memorabilia and some 50's rock 'n' roll dancing.

Ford Anglia, base on the left custom on the right

Lots of great cars to look at plus a few bikes.


Saturday 18 August 2018

Scythe handle

Shelley was given a scythe handle. Apparently the handle part is called the snath on a scythe.

We have no use for it as a tool but it looks great in the living room.

All I did was sand off the loose rust and give the whole lot, wood and metal, a couple of coats of varnish.


This is what I think it would have looked like complete.

I found this picture on e-bay.


Monday 13 August 2018

Throatless guillotine model

As mentioned in an earlier post I got carried away creating a place holder model to help layout my workshop.

This model is a full scale representation of a throatless guillotine which is used to cut metal sheet.

Modelled using Fusion 360.


Throatless guillotine (Zip file containing Fusion360, IGES and STEP file formats)
Licence attribution - small business exception


File format notes:
I have done a quick bit of research and decided that STEP format files would be a better way to distribute CAD files. IGES is an older format and no longer updated. The STEP format has been in continuous revision for over 20 years.
From now on I will probably only create native format and STEP files to share my solid body CAD work.
See the following article:


Sunday 12 August 2018

Building up the Defender doors

I picked up the doors from KTR Automotive on Monday evening. Tom has done an excellent job with a satin black.

I need to transfer over the various workings and components from the existing doors.

Before doing anything, I've protected the bottom edges with some card and the top with some foam wrap to make them less vulnerable while they kick about in the workshop and sheds until I get enough time to do all the work.

The jobs this weekend included:

Fitting sound deadening pads to the largest panel areas. Most cars have these. It's just a stuck on pad I bought.

Filled the steel sections with Dinitrol ML cavity wax. Although I have the compressor version I bought the spray cans because they have a smaller nozzle than I could find for my Schutz spray gun.

The longer hose allowed the can to stay upright while spraying inside the sections.

Lastly for this weekend I made a bracket not supplied with the door panels.

I don't know enough about all the variations of Defender doors but on Fender, this bracket is welded in place. In the replacement doors there are two nuts welded in the steel frame. My guess is that from probably TD5 and newer, the interior steel panel is a different shape and bolts directly to the frame.

I am very glad I got the throatless guillotine recently, it made the job of cutting out the steel sheet very easy.

I was going to make a cardboard  mock-up first but after having drawn up the plan I was confident enough to cut it from that.

It's made in two parts so the second layer will help prevent the bracket bending.

The second layer is held at both ends by the bolts. In theory, once bolted up tight, the two parts are trying to move against each other so it should be more difficult to bend than the flat steel on its own.

I did modify the design as a went. I cropped a little off the side, at an angle, because I was concerned that it might catch on the door card.

I think the door cards will need a little trim to accommodate the thickness of the metal brackets.

That's it for now.


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