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Monday 13 August 2018

Throatless guillotine model

As mentioned in an earlier post I got carried away creating a place holder model to help layout my workshop.

This model is a full scale representation of a throatless guillotine which is used to cut metal sheet.

Modelled using Fusion 360.


Throatless guillotine (Zip file containing Fusion360, IGES and STEP file formats)
Licence attribution - small business exception


File format notes:
I have done a quick bit of research and decided that STEP format files would be a better way to distribute CAD files. IGES is an older format and no longer updated. The STEP format has been in continuous revision for over 20 years.
From now on I will probably only create native format and STEP files to share my solid body CAD work.
See the following article:


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