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Friday 3 April 2015

Grub and Growth

As mentioned in my last post adding the grub will finish off the road margins.

Before I started with the road margins and verges, I was not entirely happy with the road surface. There were too many puddles of paint instead of an overall grey.

I went over it all with a damp cloth. I had to rub quite hard but it worked to get the effect I was aiming for. I commented on the technique in my thread on the SlotForum.

I then started with the grub that gets pushed to the sides of the road.

I used MDF sawdust for most of this as I can create more of this than I could ever use. That worked but was a bit too light in colour to go with the concrete causeway. I think sawdust will make a better arid effect or perhaps dry mud.

To get a result that I preferred I added lots of greens from the Woodland Scenics range of grasses and ground cover. I have to say it is much better to apply than the sawdust.

I probably need a bit more practice but I am happy with the end result for my first attempt. Just need to wait for the glue to dry and clean it up a bit.

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