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Sunday, 23 March 2025

Ready for the swallows

The swallows took advantage of the relocated stables last year while the new shed was being built.  I am expecting them to be eager to establish new homes this summer.

During the build, I'd taken advantage of the scaffold tower to put up a couple of artificial nests. Today I put up two salvaged nests.

We've done this before when we demolished previous dilapidated outbuildings. I've tried to pick spots similar to locations that the swallows choose for themselves. They appear to like them in the shadows. I've also added some perches. I have noticed that the adult swallows like to line up outside their nests when they are building them and when feeding their young. The young fledglings like to return to perch near to their nest.

The nests are light enough that they are easily held up with a liberal application of builders adhesive. From past experience, we know that the swallows will repurpose and repair the salvaged nests.

We are looking forward to them arriving.


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