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Sunday 24 January 2021

Ring IR beam modification

Ring Security, as far as I know, do not have an infra-red beam solution for things like driveways.

It was a fairly easy job to modify a Ring door sensor to connect to a commonly available IR beam.

I'm sure I'm not the first, nor will I be the only, person to have made this modification.

The door sensors use a standard reed switch, which is just on and off. The IR beam, that I have, just connects or breaks a relay switch, so is ideal to connect in to where the reed switch would normally be.

I soldered on a pair of wires in place of the reed switch.

I used a water proof box to house the modified door sensor and ran the lead to connect it to the IR beam. Works perfectly. 



Stu Shapiro said...

Hi John, I just want to say thank you for posting this, Im surprised there is no IR bream for Ring yet, its 2024. Im going to try this with the new outdoor contact sensors to prevent someone from jumping over the main entrance gate. Thanks again. Stu

John C Brown said...

I agree. I'm glad this is of use.

Stu Shapiro said...

@john, did you find a Beam Infrared Set that is purely battery powered for both the transmitter and receiver. It appears commonly these require power from a gate motor battery or similar.

John C Brown said...

I've changed the driveway layout at home, so for the time being, I'm using a solar powered one from Amazon.

It works well but I have not linked it to Ring yet.
There are solar powered versions of the type I used before. I could probably setup those the same way as I did the mains powered one, but I have not got round to trying those out yet.