Tuesday 23 March 2021

I've had my Covid-19 vaccination

I'm actually excited about having had my Covid-19 jab. I can't be sure why but I suspect it is because it is the beginning of the way back to a more normal life.

I feel privileged that I live in a nation that has managed to mobilise so quickly and so efficiently. According to the news over 50% of the adult population have now had their injection.

I'd like to thank everyone in the United Kingdom and elsewhere that have helped to make this happen.


Perhaps it's a bit contrary but I am also happy that I can feel some signs that the vaccine is working. Yesterday there was no indication but overnight I felt a slight chill and have achy joints. I also have the sniffles. My temperature is still near enough normal. I have been 36.5C for nearly all of the lockdown and this morning I crept up to 36.6C, although that could just be me wanting to see a change :-)

All these are signs that my immune system is working hard to produce the cells that will fight off any future attack of Covid-19.


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