Saturday 27 May 2017

Steampunk alarm case

The mad scientist in me could not resist creating a steampunk inspired case for the alarm receiver that goes with my driveway alarm.

The workings are based on a NodeMCU with some LEDs and a passive buzzer. It flashes and beeps in the event that anyone triggers the IR beams across the driveway.

The case is made from odd scraps of sapele or similar timber I had in the shed and a 3D printed insert.

It's adorned with some watch cogs and gears, some tiny glass bottles, some brass bar, and copper wire.

Making sure the capacitive switches work with the copper wire

The components to fit in

The aerial end of the NodeMCU is deliberately inside the plastic dome to minimise the wireless absorption that it might have had from the timber.

Lemmy, helping, again :-)

The copper wire is connected to two capacitive touch switches.

Solder a connector on to the touch pad

I've used off the shelf capacitive switches from e-bay, as usual.

The large coil acknowledges the alarm and resets the LED's and the small staple like wires silences the alarm for a few minutes as well as resetting the LED's.

The bottles are filled with two part epoxy resin that I coloured with a few drops of acrylic paint at the mixing stage. I made a paper tube to avoid getting the resin on the rim of the tiny bottles.


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