Monday 26 March 2018

Furniture move... the hard way

In order to move an antique chest of drawers from our attic, one flight down, to our spare bedroom, I had to take it apart... again!

It was not designed to come apart and this is the second time I've had to do it because of our tight stairs.

This time, when putting it back together, I made some minor design changes to make any future disassembly a bit easier. In the process I was able to make it even stronger.

The main repair work was not the reassembly but was fixing the drawer runners. In some places they had worn completely through the timber. It was not in any state to use on a daily basis.

The only thing I could think of to use was some form of filler. I had P38 epoxy car bodywork filler in the shed, so that's what I tried. Nothing tricky to the job. Mix up lots of it, fill the worn grooves, sand and when dry cover in a bit of floor varnish. The P38 is relatively soft, a bit like timber, so my hope is the hard varnish will help it to last longer. So far the drawers have run fairly easily.

After some sanding, a bit of stain and some clear varnish, the end result looks very nice in the bedroom.


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