Thursday 1 February 2018

VPI Logo

A good friend of mine wanted a 3D logo to go with his VPI turntable.

I designed and 3D printed one.

I used to make the bitmap logo very distinct, just black and white, then Inkscape's trace bitmap tool to convert it to a vector graphic.

Select Edge Detection and then press Update. I saved the result as an SVG file and then imported that in to Fusion 360.

It imports as a sketch and from there it needed a little bit of tidying up to form a closed outline and then simply extruded to the thickness I wanted.

To be able to 3D print I moved the dot over the 'i' so it touched the stroke. I also added a square peg at the bottom to insert in to a stand which I have made out of timber.


  1. Very nice! Could you print and sell one of this logo to me?

  2. Thank you for asking but I don't normally sell things.
