Thursday 28 January 2016

Said in Jest

One of my favourite work related bits of humour is about an engineer and a manager.
Normally this is in written form. I have been looking for a cartoon version for many years. There are a couple but none quite in the style I wanted.

I eventually created this myself.
The text and the clip art are all other people's. All I did was put it together.
Click on any image on this page to get a larger view so you can read the text.

The above style is to complement another cartoon joke that many will recognise.  I do not know who the author is but they have done an excellent job. I keep a copy of this handy to remind myself and others to keep things simple when managing projects.

Lastly for today, while looking for the text of the manager's joke, I came across another engineering funny. Again, I do not know the original author but many thanks for the laughs.
This particularly applies to the repair of Land Rovers.

I hope you enjoy this little selection.

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