Monday 10 August 2015

My Car Printed

After yesterdays difficulties printing, I am pleased to say that I have assembled the body, roof and bonnet and test driven it on the track.

It fits under all the bridges with room to spare.

I didn't keep track but I've been working on the 3D model, on and off, for several months. Looking back I think there was probably over 40 hours of work to get to this stage.,

I designed it to fit on a Ninco Bowler chassis which has the exact wheelbase I needed. It's so handy that Land Rover like to stick to the same tried and tested sizes for their cars. The chassis is trimmed a bit at the edges but basically in tact. The screw mounting posts lined up perfectly.

I designed it to print as separate parts to minimise the support structure needed.

I was able to take the above photo because I haven't stuck the bonnet down yet :-)

Obviously there is a lot more work to smooth the body shell, paint and generally make good.

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